Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Sly Cooper 5: What should hapen?

Okay, I know I said I was going to do a post on Final Fantasy XV and Kingdom Hearts III, but I wanted to take a break from any E3 related topics. Thanks to the inspiration of PrinceBoo21 (check out his Let's Plays XD), I thought I'd talk about the eventually to come Sly Cooper 5. There are a lot of things I want to happen in this game. So let's start of with the title. Thanks to the secret ending of Thieves in Time, Lost in Time  seems like an approiate title for the game since Sly is technically lost in time. Speaking of Sly, the game should mostly star Sly and his ancestors. Bently can communicate with him through some device he made and be trying to get Sly back in his approiate time line but encounter some difficulties. They can do that or have Bently, Murray, and Carmelita go after him in the time machine (which is most likely to happen in my eyes. I mean come on we can't get rid of the van). Now let's get to the ancestors (spoiler ahead). Now we all know that the first ancestor we will encounter in Sly 5 is Slytunkhamen Cooper or Slytunkhamen Cooper II thanks to the secret ending. Now what about the others? Well I think we should defientaly have Henriette "One Eye" Cooper (I'm not saying that because I'm a girl.) If you remember in Thieves in Time, Sly saw Sinbad's Legendary Goblet filled with treasure coins that she was going to steal in 1616. I think it would be awesome if Sly joined her on that heist. That and seeing pirate Sly again would be awesome! The next ancestor I wanna see is Otto Van Cooper. We could have air fights just like in Sly 3 and probably some other cool tech since Otto was a great mechanic. Now for the next ancestor is a hard decision. I want to meet all of the ancestors of the Cooper Clan, but it's between Slaigh MacCooper, Thaddeus Winslow Cooper III, and Sly's Father. I know technically Slyn's Father isn't really an "ancestor" but think about it. We've been teased about Sly's father for the entire series. We don't know what he looks like; we really don't know what type of person he was; and we don't even know his name. Sly's father is shrouded in mystery and I would love to see Sanzaru games show us the truth about him. However, I really want to meet all of the ancestors. The Cooper Clan as a whole is amazing. To meet the entire family would be an honor for all fans the franchise and that includes meeting Sly's dad. If Sanzaru Games is able to have us meet all of the ancestors , I will be one happy gamer. Okay, that's enough of the ancestors. Let's get to the main villian. Here's where PrinceBoo 21 comes in. He mentioned in his Let's Play of Sly 2 that in Thieves in Time, he saw Clockwerk stalking Sly. That made me think. Sure, Sly defeated Clockwerk in the present... future... whatever, but what about in the past. Sly is traveling through time and Clockwerk was a threat to basically ALL of his ancestors. What if Sly had to make a choice? Save his family in the present so he never lost his parents or.... keep things the way they are so he can remain friends with Bently and Murray? Think about it. It's becaus of Clockwerk that Sly met Bently and Murray and had all of these adventures with them. If he was to defeat Clockwerk in the past, he would undo all of that. His parents would be saved, but he will lose his best friends. What is a master theif to do? So the main villian should be Clockwerk, but how Sly will defet Clockwerk is the question. Now these are just my ideas. I have faith in Sanzaru Games and believe that whatever they come up with in Sly Cooper 5 will be AWESOME!! However all we can do right now is speculate and try to predict what will happen next in the Sly Cooper series. Those are my thoughts. Voice of a Gamer signing out. 

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