Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Brand New Devil May Cry; Brand New Dante

Happy January 15, 2013everyone! (even though it's the 16th) Why is it happy? BECAUSE THE NEW DEVIL MAY CRY CAME OUT!! Ok, a lot of people are upset about Dante's new look and stuff. My response: Dante doesn't look that bad. He looks kinda cool. They did change the story, but it just makes Dante a lot cooler. Instead of being Half human Half demon, he is now half demon half angel.... more powers for Dante to use so he can kick some ass. I mean a lot of people would be mad that it's no longer the Dante they're used to, but I think when they see what the new Dante can do, they'll grow to like it. The controls of the game are pretty simple for a meele game. The graphics are beautiful. However, it is pretty easy to get lost in Limbo. The demons are ugly, like always. Vergil is in this one. They changed his look too, but again, to me the new looks don't look that bad.... they just need to make Dante look less like a crack head. Anyway, this time Dante is part of some revolution. He teams up with Vergil in order to fight the demons. His angel powers are fast paced, but does less damage. His demon powers do A LOT of damage, but it's very slow. This pattern in not surprising. You just need to think of a good strategy that fits your gaming style. And of course Dante has his duel guns and sword. Dante is never Dante without his guns and sword. Basically, the game is pretty awesome. Devil May Cry fans may need to get used to the changes, but Dante is still the Dante we know and love. DMC FOREVER!!!! Those are my thoughts. Voice of a Gamer signing out.

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