Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Brand New Devil May Cry; Brand New Dante

Happy January 15, 2013everyone! (even though it's the 16th) Why is it happy? BECAUSE THE NEW DEVIL MAY CRY CAME OUT!! Ok, a lot of people are upset about Dante's new look and stuff. My response: Dante doesn't look that bad. He looks kinda cool. They did change the story, but it just makes Dante a lot cooler. Instead of being Half human Half demon, he is now half demon half angel.... more powers for Dante to use so he can kick some ass. I mean a lot of people would be mad that it's no longer the Dante they're used to, but I think when they see what the new Dante can do, they'll grow to like it. The controls of the game are pretty simple for a meele game. The graphics are beautiful. However, it is pretty easy to get lost in Limbo. The demons are ugly, like always. Vergil is in this one. They changed his look too, but again, to me the new looks don't look that bad.... they just need to make Dante look less like a crack head. Anyway, this time Dante is part of some revolution. He teams up with Vergil in order to fight the demons. His angel powers are fast paced, but does less damage. His demon powers do A LOT of damage, but it's very slow. This pattern in not surprising. You just need to think of a good strategy that fits your gaming style. And of course Dante has his duel guns and sword. Dante is never Dante without his guns and sword. Basically, the game is pretty awesome. Devil May Cry fans may need to get used to the changes, but Dante is still the Dante we know and love. DMC FOREVER!!!! Those are my thoughts. Voice of a Gamer signing out.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

2013 Expectations

HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! We finally said goodbye to 2012 and entered the world of 2013. As most people already know, there are a couple of good games coming out this year. I have a couple that I am really looking forward too. However, I'm only gonna talk about three of them since there are so many. One of the is... SLY COOPER: THIEVES IN TIME
  I really can't wait for this game. I've been hearing about this game for a few years. The wait is very painful. It comes out in Feburary, but I still have to wait a whole month for the next chapter of  Sly Cooper. As most gamers already know, this Sly game has been made by a different company, Sanzaru Games. Now there has been trouble in the past that amazing games like Jak and Daxter going to a different company and being really bad. I truly believe that this is not going to happen with Sly Cooper. I've seen the demos, previews, and trailers. The game looks really good. A lot of people who have played a demo of the game says that it feels like a Sly Cooper game. I also can't wait to play as Sly's ancestors. We've heard about them throughout the series. Now we can actually see what they can do. Can't wait to play as the Cooper Gang once again. Now is the other game I am really looking forward to is.... RAYMAN LEGENDS
  This game is for the sort of still brand new console the Wii U. I am fairly new to rayman, but I do like the game. I played the demo and it was pretty awesome. I love the new machanics of the game (ex: Murphy is playable on the gamepad to help Rayman continue through out the stage). I really like the rock music stages. It's like I'm playing a music video. I also like the fast pace of these stages. The songs are also really catchy. The controls are very simple and finding secret rooms to help save the teensies (probably spelt that wrong) is really cool (even though at the end for me I always mange to miss one). I think this game will be perfect for people who really like rayman or want to get into the rayman series. Now the final game is.... TALES OF XILLIA
Tales of Xillia.png I love the Tales series. I've heard about this game for awhile now and think it's going to be pretty cool. It already came out in Japan in 2011, but it is coming out in Europe and the US this year. The fact there are two main characters this time buts kind of a twist in the Tales series tradition. I really like some of the changes Namco is applying to the series. I can't wait to see what Namco did with this game.
Like I said, there are a lot of amazing games coming out this year. Grand Theft Auto V (even though I personally don't like that game) ZombiU, Kingdom Hearts 1.5 Remix (in Japan; I don't know about America yet. Some say it's a Japanese exclusive but no one knows for sure) etc. 2013 looks like another amazing year for gaming. Hope you gamers out there have a very Happy New Year. Those are my thoughts. Voice of a Gamer signing out.