As you all know, on November 18, the Wii U was released in the U.S. It's a brand new console by the almighty Nintendo. This new console sold out on pre-orders, which I don't really find surprising. I mean, it's a brand new console. Gamers can get a brand new gaming experience. I really do like the two screen system and the fact that if someone wants to watch TV in the same room I'm playing video games, I can just transfer my game to my Wii U tablet. I also like how in a Mario game I can be a god in multiplayer and make the game harder or a hell of a lot easier. I only have two issues with the brand new system. First issue: the games. There have been announcements for some pretty awesome games coming out for the Wii U like Rayman Legends, ZombiU, and other games. I don't like how a good number of the games are already sold titles. Assassin's Creed III and Black Ops II is an exception, but Arkham City? Really? Hundreds of gamers have already played and beaten that game. They may add new features, but still doesn't change the fact that gamers already knows what happens in a game removing the excitement of playing a new game. The only game I would really like to play over again on the Wii U is Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. My secong issue with the Wii U: the price. I understand that it's a brand new system, but $350, really? I'm used to my systems costing 200 something dollars. I don't have that type of money. However, my dislikes are only little pet peeves. It's nothing too serious. Overall I say that if you really want a new gaming experience, I recommend checking out the Wii U. Those are my thoughts. Voice of a Gamer signing out.
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