Monday, November 19, 2012

New Console! New Games?

As you all know, on November 18, the Wii U was released in the U.S. It's a brand new console by the almighty Nintendo. This new console sold out on pre-orders, which I don't really find surprising. I mean, it's a brand new console. Gamers can get a brand new gaming experience. I really do like the two screen system and the fact that if someone wants to watch TV in the same room I'm playing video games, I can just transfer my game to my Wii U tablet. I also like how in a Mario game I can be a god in multiplayer and make the game harder or a hell of a lot easier. I only have two issues with the brand new system. First issue: the games. There have been announcements for some pretty awesome games coming out for the Wii U like Rayman Legends, ZombiU, and other games. I don't like how a good number of the games are already sold titles. Assassin's Creed III and Black Ops II is an exception, but Arkham City? Really? Hundreds of gamers have already played and beaten that game. They may add new features, but still doesn't change the fact that gamers already knows what happens in a game removing the excitement of playing a new game. The only game I would really like to play over again on the Wii U is Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. My secong issue with the Wii U: the price. I understand that it's a brand new system, but $350, really? I'm used to my systems costing 200 something dollars. I don't have that type of money. However, my dislikes are only little pet peeves. It's nothing too serious. Overall I say that if you really want a new gaming experience, I recommend checking out the Wii U. Those are my thoughts. Voice of a Gamer signing out.

Call of Duty: Black Ops II

It was a choice between Halo 4 and Black Ops II. Personally, I love both games. I think they are amazing. In one, I'm shooting aliens and in the other I'm shooting actual people AND zombies. It's amazing. However, I do not own an Xbox 360. So, this is going to be about the highly anticipated shooter, Call of Duty: Black Ops II. The game is awesome. That should explain everything, but then the post would be too short. In this game, we are fighting in the both the past and the future. In the past we are playing as the retired solider, Alex Mason, who fights during the Cold War in the 1970s and 80s. In the future, we play as David Mason, Alex's son, who is fighting during a new Cold War between China and the United States (like we didn't see that coming.) How to win? SHOOT STUFF!! Well, ok, you have to do more than that, but still, it usually solves everything. However, in this game you do have to do a lot of thinking. For example, you have to be smart while protecting the President and not kill him. I love the fact that the game gives you a lot to do and makes shooting your targets very easy for someone (me) who epically fails at video game shooters Another reason why this game is good: if people are skipping work and school in order to stay home and play this game, it is worth the buy. I also love the fact that we are in the future I mean I love classic guns as much as the next guy but.... I kinda wanna kill my enemies with cyperguns and robots and stuff. It makes war video games seem a lot more exciting. I also love how in both past in future we're looking for the same guy. It makes a connenction between the past and the future. Finally, the thing I love most about this game is TRAINING FOR THE ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE! I love shooting zombies! If I'm tired of shooting living people in the game, I can just go to zombie mode and kick some zombie ass! XD!  Overall, Call of Duty: Black Ops II is yet another awesome game for the franchise. I really think that this game is going to remain popular for a very long time. I hope it's going to be as successful as the firs Black Ops game by making billions of dollars in just a few days. Well, those are my thought. Voice of a Gamer signing out.
Call of Duty Black Ops II Game Cover.png