Ok, firt things first. I want someone to make a countdown on how many times I say love in this post and post the results in the comments. Reason why, I TRULY LOVE THIS GAME! This was one of SEGA's best games besides Sonic. I love how the whole point of it was to skate around Tokyo-to and express yourself by spraying graffiti. Even though the cops are going way overboard while trying to stop you with tanks, tear gas, SWAT teams, choppers, police dogs, etc. I love the challenge this game gives you. Of course, in Jet Set Radio you have to love Professor K. The music is AMAZING!!!!! I will love it until the end of time. Professor K truly bring you hardcore music. I wish all radio stations were like his. I think i would actually listen to radio for once. I only own the demo of the remake right now, but I can't wait to get the full game. However, I will be pissed if SEGA doesn't also remake Jet Set Radio Future. I mean really. You can't have one without the other. What I also love about this game is the return of Beat! He has had a recent appearance in Sonic and Sega All-Stars Racing and about to have another one with the sequel to the SEGA racing game coming out soon. I also love the return of the other gang members, Poision Jam, The Love Shockers, and the Noise Tanks. The game makes me feel like I'm actually part of the gang. I can't wait to play the full game so I can love it even more. What's also interesting is that the game contains a documentary on its development. Finally, I couldn't do a post on Jet Set Radio without mentioning the sceneray and the skating. Sceneray. It's so beautiful. I love it so much. It makes me feel I'm actually in Tokyo while playing it. It's even better that these are actual places, with an exception of a few places I think. Skating. Tricks are so freaking awesome! I love the almost impossible tricks you can perform while playing as the GGs. I'm ready to hear Professor K start scracthing, the GGs to start spraying, and to hear the soul of the street. All in all I LOVE JET SET RADIO!!! I reccomend this game to anyone who loves Sega and/or played the dreamcast verison of the game. Those are my thoughts on a game I love. Voice of a Gamer signing out.
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