Sunday, September 23, 2012


Ok, firt things first. I want someone to make a countdown on how many times I say love in this post and post the results in the comments. Reason why, I TRULY LOVE THIS GAME! This was one of SEGA's best games besides Sonic. I love how the whole point of it was to skate around Tokyo-to and express yourself by spraying graffiti. Even though the cops are going way overboard while trying to stop you with tanks, tear gas, SWAT teams, choppers, police dogs, etc. I love the challenge this game gives you. Of course, in Jet Set Radio you have to love Professor K. The music is AMAZING!!!!! I will love it until the end of time. Professor K truly bring you hardcore music. I wish all radio stations were like his. I think i would actually listen to radio for once. I only own the demo of the remake right now, but I can't wait to get the full game. However, I will be pissed if SEGA doesn't also remake Jet Set Radio Future. I mean really. You can't have one without the other. What I also love about this game is the return of Beat! He has had a recent appearance in Sonic and Sega All-Stars Racing and about to have another one with the sequel to the SEGA racing game coming out soon. I also love the return of the other gang members, Poision Jam, The Love Shockers, and the Noise Tanks. The game makes me feel like I'm actually part of the gang. I can't wait to play the full game so I can love it even more. What's also interesting is that the game contains a documentary on its development. Finally, I couldn't do a post on Jet Set Radio without mentioning the sceneray and the skating. Sceneray. It's so beautiful. I love it so much. It makes me feel I'm actually in Tokyo while playing it. It's even better that these are actual places, with an exception of a few places I think. Skating. Tricks are so freaking awesome! I love the almost impossible tricks you can perform while playing as the GGs. I'm ready to hear Professor K start scracthing, the GGs to start spraying, and to hear the soul of the street. All in all I LOVE JET SET RADIO!!! I reccomend this game to anyone who loves Sega and/or played the dreamcast verison of the game. Those are my thoughts on a game I love. Voice of a Gamer signing out.  

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Guns, Guns, and more Guns

As you should all be aware, Borderlands 2 was released today. At E3, the first game broke the world record for most guns in a video game. The fact that the second game has even more guns that is already a positive sign. I mean seriously. With that much gun power in a video game, anyone would feel invincible while playing it. I also like the fact that one of the characters has magic powers which makes killing your enemies even more exciting! Speaking of enemies, the creators were very creative while making them. They actually make you think for some of them. I think it's awesome. Also, I love the graphics and the environment of the game. It's beautiful. Pandora looks absolutely amazing. It makes killing enemies so much better. The robots that help you along the way are very entetaining. The script of the game always gives you a bit of comic relief so you can always have a good laugh while blowing your enemy's face off. As you know in shooters, certain guns are good for certain things. But with the large amount of guns you have in the game, you might not want to stop trying them all out. How you play the game all depends on your preferance. If you love having a bunch of agility and stealth while killing your prey, go for Zero. If you just like shooting things, go for Salvador. If you love being the cool commando, go for Axton. If you love using magic to make killing your target more enjoyable, choose Maya. And finally, if you like tanks, go for Gaige. In all, Boderlands 2 has wonderful sceneray, characters, and storyline. It gives a wide varierty on how to play the game. It's a very creative and beautiful game that I think all shooter fans will love. I recommend this game to those who love shooters, wants to try to get into shooters, and loved the first Boderlands game. Those are my thoughts. Voice of a Gamer signing out.  

Monday, September 17, 2012


I love namco's Tales series. It's like their version of final fantasy. I actually can't wait for Tales of Xillia to come out in America. Kind of sucks I have to wait until next year though. Anyway, even though I love the game, I do have a few issues with it. My first one is with Tales of Vesperia. Don't get me wrong, it's a good game. However, I hate the fact that it's incomplete. When I found out about the Playstation 3 version in japan, I was happy to see that there was going to be more content added to the cane. It sucked that it was ONLY RELEASED IN JAPAN! I mean seriously,you got another party member and Flin joined your party permanently. It would make a gamer's life much easier if they released it in America and Europe as well. Instead, gamers have to import it (which can be very expensive) and find a patch for it in their language. That's a lot of work to do for an extended edition for a game. My other issue was with dawn of a new world. I mean seriously, was it really necessary that that game to come out. Tales of symphonia didn't end in a cliffhanger at all. I mean, I like the game, but I sort of find it a waste of time. My final issue is with the latest Tales game tht came out, Tales of Graces f. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE this game. It's one of my favorite Tales game. I fell in love with the characters instantly (especially Richard, Asbel, and Sophie). My only issue is the title system. I kind of hate the fact I need to keep the same title on my character for a long period of time in order to keep the abilities and costumes it comes with. I would like if the abilites were kept for that one specific title (almost like the weapons), but I can change the costumes all I want. Despite my issue, Namco's Tales series is a very good RPG. I recommend it to Final Fantasy fans and people who just really like RPGs. Most people that review games like this complain about the cutscences and cliches. I say that's what the start button is for. They always give us the option to skip said cliches and cutscences. That's all I have to say. Voice of a Gamer signing out.   

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Final Fantasy VII Remake? Why?

Ok, I know everyone is begging for a Final Fantasy VII remake. My question is why? Why are you asking for a remake already? There is still more to the Final Fantasy VII story to be revealed. If you don't remember, watch this video: It's the secret ending of dirge of cerberus. You know that Genesis suddenly came back. So, why are you asking for the remake? Besides, Square Enix already announced that there will not be a remake until there is a Final Fantasy game that surpasses it. That is going to be a really really  long time from now. I'm going to reference something someone said online. Those of you who are asking for a remake of Final Fantasy VII are starting to sound like a broken record. Wait for the Final Fantasy VII series to be over first. Then ask for the remake. By that time, maybe the company will be close to creating a game that will surpass it. Until then, ask for the next game. I don't know about you, but I want to see Cloud fight Genesis. I think that would truly make him Zack's living legacy. Why? Because Zack fought and won against Genesis. I believe Cloud can do the same thing. I mean, really, he fought Sephiroth, twice, and lived. The point I'm trying to get at is that people ask for the remake of a game when the game is really old, COMPLETED, and loved by everyone. Don't ask for it if one of those elements are missing. Those are my thoughts. Voice of a Gamer signing out.